Boost Your Oral Health with a Dental Deep Cleaning in Mundelein, IL

Not only does good oral care reduce the risk of cavities, but brushing and flossing are also important to protect against gum disease. If gum disease starts to develop, it might be time for a deep dental cleaning and periodontal treatment. At Meadows Family Dentistry, we provide full-service solutions to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums, including both preventive services and bigger treatments when needed.

Most of the time, the earliest indicators of gum disease are noticed during your regular dental examination. Then, we take a proactive approach with gum therapy to help you avoid more invasive treatments, such as periodontal scaling and root planing.

Smiling patient while dentist examining it

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Do you have periodontal disease? You might notice a few signs at home, then talk to a dentist about potential treatment options. Symptoms of gum disease include:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Painful gums
  • Swelling in the gums
  • Receding gum line
  • Teeth look longer than normal
  • Exposed tooth root

Pay attention if you notice blood when you are brushing or flossing your teeth. Even a small amount of blood coming from the gum line could indicate an underlying infection. In the earliest stages of gum disease, regular brushing and flossing are often good enough to treat the problem. But if the gum disease progresses, the only way to treat the problem is with deep teeth cleaning in a dental office.

What Is Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

A periodontal treatment might include scaling and root planing. This deep dental cleaning is necessary to clean up pockets of infection within the gums. Plaque not only forms on the visible surfaces of the teeth but plaque and bacteria can also get trapped in the pockets and result in gum disease.

These two gum disease treatments go hand-in-hand during a periodontal cleaning:

  • Scaling: The dentist or hygienist removes tartar and plaque located both above and below the gum line, cleaning to the bottom of the pocket.
  • Root Planing: Next, the dentist smooths the roots of the teeth so the gums can hopefully reattach.

Sometimes, multiple treatments might be necessary, depending on the severity of the gum infection.

Periodontal Cleaning: Early Treatment for Prevention

Catching gum disease in the earliest stages is the best case scenario because it means there is minimal damage to the underlying structures below the gum line. A deep teeth cleaning removes the plaque to promote healing within these pockets of infection.

If the gum infections are left untreated, then they can progress into more serious issues. Untreated periodontal diseases eventually results in bone loss, tooth loss, and a need for major dental reconstruction.

Do you need a dental deep cleaning for gum disease? Call our expert team at Meadows Family Dentistry to book an appointment.

(847) 305-4700

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